my home wish list.
Over Christmas I shared the exciting news that we are building a home! This has been a complete work in progress since March of 2018 I just didn’t know when to share it OR if I was going to. I decided I would because this is exactly why I started this blog… To show you my style + share where I find things. Our home will be the biggest reflection of our style + luckily Andrew and I share the same taste so it makes decisions easy!
Now after I am in the process I believe that designing + building a home is a very overwhelming task but exciting nonetheless. As always, it takes a village. I always say trust in your professional(s) and that has already proven itself correct.
We enlisted in design help from the talented Clare Kennedy with REDO home + design (check out highlights of her work below plus more on her website + instagram!) + I LOVE HER. I found her on instagram + loved her portfolio. It was a great fit from the start and we are having so much fun together! Below is a little sneak of what I have saved on my instagram profile via folders... I have found this is the best way to compartmentalize everything. Side note: if you are wedding planning USE THIS TOOL!
Let me know if there is something in particular you want to see more of / if you enjoy this new subject!